CME Project!
30 August, 2009, 7:52 PM
Name: Muhammad Amirul Shah
Index Number: 29
Date of Submission: 29 August
Choice of Video: 3

1. -Decide not to do: play until night,lie to parents.
-Decide to do: do homework,be honest, Study for the test and try to pass it.

2. -Decide not to do: Play the game too much, do not study for a test,cheat on a test you do not study,Lie to your parents.
-Decide to do: Do not play video games or computer games too much as you will get addicted to it,plan a study timetable, Do not cheat on a test, Be honest.

3. -Did not do: getting zero marks,parents will be disappointed,
-Did do: friends and family will not trust in you,feeling guilty,I pass the test and fell proud of not cheating.